
Main page - Shop

When you open alt+b —> Shop, you can see the categories of items you can buy. (ред.)

The Weapon tab contains the following departments: Beginning weapon (R95), Upgrade weapon, Make RB Gun. Here you can buy weapons for your class and go to the Farm Zones to get items to improve your weapons.


Also, with the Shop you can improve the protection of your character with three types of equipment: set Armor, Jewelry, Bracelets / Shirts / Belts. In the Armor section you can buy useful protective items and improve them there, similar to weapons.


Standard shop will help you if you refuse to go to Newbie Instance. However, there is a useful department - Consumers, which will help not only at the beginning of the development, but throughout the growth of the character.

Standard Shop

Departments Boost is one of the most universal departments in the Shop tab! It contains most of the various items that help to grow your character's characteristics.


In the Epic Shop you will find various equipment and boost of your character associated with the personalities of epic bosses L2Secs Helios x1000.

Epic Shop

The Donation Shop has a variety of features that can be used for Coin of Luck, which you can buy either by making a voluntary donation to the server or buy them from other players.

Donation Shop

Compound involves the transformation of Noble Circlet Stones or Soul Crystals from two stones / crystals of the junior level into one stone / crystal of the senior level.


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